Object Storage Integration

After you've set up your object storage, the next step is to configure Score for connection. The precise configuration settings will vary based on your object storage provider. Detailed setup information is provided below.

AWS, Ceph, or Minio

To link Score to AWS, Ceph, or Minio storage, modify your .env.score file as follows:

# Prod profile configuration
UPLOAD_CLEAN_CRON="0 0 0 * * ?"

The table below summarizes the variables you need to set:

S3_ENDPOINTRequiredThe URL of the storage service's API endpoint. Score will send requests to this URL when interacting with the service's API.
S3_ACCESSKEYRequiredThe access key required to access the buckets in your object storage. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
S3_SECRETKEYRequiredThe secret key required to access the buckets in your object storage. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
S3_SIGV4ENABLEDRequiredIf your storage service uses the AWS S3 Signature Version 4 signing process for authentication, set this to true. Else set this to false.
BUCKET_NAME_OBJECTRequiredThe ID of the bucket used to store object data for Score. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
BUCKET_NAME_STATERequiredThe ID of the bucket used to store and maintain state information for Score. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
UPLOAD_PARTSIZERequiredThe size, expressed in bytes, of each part or chunk to upload at once to the object storage. You can use this parameter to adjust for your desired speed and performance.
UPLOAD_RETRY_LIMITRequiredNumber of times that Score will retry failed upload requests to the object storage before aborting.
UPLOAD_CONNECTIONTIMEOUTRequiredNumber of milliseconds that Score will wait on a stale or idle connection to the object storage before timing out.
UPLOAD_CLEAN_CRONOptionalIf CLEAN_ENABLED = true, use this parameter to configure the schedule on which the cleanup cron job runs. The cleanup job cleans up old upload jobs, between Score and the object storage.
UPLOAD_CLEAN_ENABLEDOptionalSet to true if you want to run a cron job that cleans up old upload jobs between Score and the object storage. If true, the cron schedule can be set with the CLEAN_CRON parameter. Else set this value false if you do not want any cleanup.
OBJECT_SENTINELRequiredThe name of the sample object/file that must exist in object storage for Score to perform ping operations. Default is heliograph.


To link Score to Azure storage, modify your .env.score file as follows:

# Azure profile configuration
BUCKET_NAME_OBJECT="{{object_bucket}}" # Name of the bucket or container that will store the object data
BUCKET_POLICY_UPLOAD="{{write_policy}}" # Name of the access policy to use for write/add/modify operations
BUCKET_POLICY_DOWNLOAD="{{read_policy}}" # Name of the access policy for the read/list operations
DOWNLOAD_PARTSIZE=250000000 # Safe default part size for downloads
OBJECT_SENTINEL="heliograph" # Score requires a sample object/file to exist in the object storage for `ping` operations; default is `heliograph`

The table below summarizes the variables you need to set:

AZURE_ENDPOINTPROTOCOLRequiredThe communication protocol used by the Azure storage service's API endpoint. For example, https.
AZURE_ACCOUNTNAMERequiredAccount name required to access your Azure object storage. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
AZURE_ACCOUNTKEYRequiredAccount key required to access your Azure object storage. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
BUCKET_NAME_OBJECTRequiredID of the bucket used to store object data for Score. This should have been recorded during your prerequisite setup.
BUCKET_POLICY_UPLOADRequiredThe name of the access policy to use for write/add/modify operations.
BUCKET_POLICY_DOWNLOADRequiredName of the access policy for the read/list operations.
UPLOAD_PARTSIZERequiredSize, expressed in bytes, of each part or chunk to upload at once to the object storage. You can use this parameter to adjust for your desired speed and performance.
DOWNLOAD_PARTSIZERequiredSize, expressed in bytes, of each part or chunk to download at once from the object storage. You can use this parameter to adjust for your desired speed and performance.
OBJECT_SENTINELRequiredThe name of the sample object/file that must exist in object storage for Score to perform ping operations. Default is heliograph.

Access Policy Configuration

If using Azure, you must define a storage access policy for your container.

  1. Access the Azure dashboard: from the lefthand menu, select containers
  1. Locate the container of interest: from the dropdown menu, select Access Policy


  1. Create the following write and readonly access policies for the container:


Azure storage access policies

For more information on Azure storage access policies, see the official Azure storage services documentation