ID Management

Song provides three modes for primary key management (Donors, Specimens, Samples, and Files). They are:

  • LOCAL: Represents a local-to-Song ID Management that persists in internal memory and is thread-safe.
  • FEDERATED: Represents a external ID service using either dynamic JWT tokens or statically defined keys for authorization.

You cannot mix and match local/external ID management. Either all IDs are locally managed by Song, or all IDs are managed by external services.

Local ID Management

When local is enabled, all federated ID generation is disabled. For Song to create and manage all primary keys in UUID format:

Set ID_USELOCAL to true in your .env file.


Developers Note

All IDs, except for analysisId, are stateless and are computed using UUID5 hash. AnalysisID's are stateful to guarantee uniqueness. LocalIdService doesn't have to save/register an analysisId directly since AnalysisService.create method handles that.

External ID Management

When using external ID management, Song communicates with an external ID database for each entity type. If the data submission contains entity IDs not validated by this external database, Song will decline the submission. Once an ID is verified, it's stored within the Song database.

The two types of external ID management are:

  • FEDERATED_DYNAMIC_AUTH: Represents the usage of external ID service that uses dynamically managed authorization tokens (e.g. JWTs).
  • FEDERATED_STATIC_AUTH: Represents the usage of external ID service that uses statically defined tokens for authorization.


To enable this external ID management:

  1. Update the .env file with the appropriate values.
  2. Ensure the ID_USELOCAL variable is set to false.
  3. Provide the necessary URI configurations for each entity.

Here's a template of the .env configuration with descriptions for each entry:

# Determines whether local ID management is used
# URIs for the different entity types that map to their respective templates in the external ID service
# All the urls below MUST be defined. If a required urlTemplateVariable (such as studyId and submitterId) is not defined, an error occurs.
# Since analysisIds cannot be reused, special care must be taken to ensure SONG does not attempt to create an analysis with an id that already exists on the id server.
# To enforce this, the following url templates for authorized GET requests are needed.
# Configuration for authentication with the external ID service.
# If auth.bearer.token is defined, then FEDERATED_STATIC_AUTH mode is used.
# If auth.bearer.credentials.* are all defined, and auth.bearer.token is not, FEDERATED_DYNAMIC_AUTH mode is used.

Server Requirements

If you choose to use externally managed ID's, you must provide Song with the expected ID according to the specifications below.

  • External ID servers must implement GET controllers for the configured URI templates.
  • At boot-time, SONG validates the URI templates to ensure necessary template variables are present.
  • External ID servers should support one of these authorization schemes: FEDERATED_STATIC_AUTH (static access token) or FEDERATED_DYNAMIC_AUTH (dynamically managed JWT).

A URI template is a URI-like string that contains variables enclosed by braces {}. These can be expanded to produce an actual URI. Since the IdService method requires specific arguments for each entity ID retrieval method, URI Templates allow custom mapping of these arguments. Song will require specific template variables in each entity URI Template string.

The table below describes the required template variables with examples.

Entity ID TypeDescriptionURI Template Config PropertyRequired VariablesExamplesRequest TypeResponse Type
donorId Service returns a donorId that maps to the submitterId and studyId.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_DONORstudyId, submitterId{submitterId}&projectcode={studyId}GETplaintext
specimenID Service returns a specimenId that maps to the submitterId and studyId.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_SPECIMENstudyId, submitterId{submitterId}&projectcode={studyId}GETplaintext
sampleID Service returns a sampleId that maps to the submitterId and studyId.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_SAMPLEstudyId, submitterId{submitterId}&projectcode={studyId}GETplaintext
fileID Service returns a fileId that maps to the analysisId and fileName.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_FILEanalysisId, fileName{analysisId}&fname={fileName}GETplaintext
analysis.existenceID Service returns a boolean indicating the existence of the analysisId.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_ANALYSIS_EXISTENCEanalysisId{analysisId}GETplaintext
analysis.generateID Service returns a generated candidate analysisId without persisting it. Does not require any inputs.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_ANALYSIS_GENERATE--
analysis.saveID Service persists the input analysisId and does not return anything.ID_FEDERATED_URITEMPLATE_ANALYSIS_SAVEanalysisId{analysisId}GET--


The ICGC ARGO Data Platform is an international initiative with several distributed processing centres. This required the use of a central ID Service. An example of a URI donor request used by this system is as follows:

In the provided URI, a researcher is making a request to the centralized ID service to retrieve the unique identifier for a donor associated with the programId PACA-CA and the submitterID PCSI_0591.

200 Response:


404 Response:

"error": "Error",
"message": "Donor not found"